Casa del Riu

The Interpretation Center “Casa del Riu” will bring you closer to the fauna and river ecosystems (Alt Segre shores), the history of Montellà i Martinet, fishing … During the summer season you can enjoy various activities, workshops and traveling exhibitions at Casa del Riu.

It is recommended that you contact the center for more information.

Address: Ctra. LV-1055 de Martinet a Montellà, Paratge Cabiscol, s/n

Town: Martinet

Phone: 648 141 070


Opening hours:

Juliol i agost, de dimarts a dissabte, de 10 a 14h i de 16 a 19h; diumenge, de 10 a 14h. Els diumenges tarda i dilluns de juliol i agost, tancat. Resta de l’any, visites concertades.