Museu Cerdà

Exhibition of the Casa Cerdana and Conventus and also temporary exhibitions.


Casa Cerdana : Permanent exhibition dedicated to the theme of the Casa Cerdana (or of “La Cerdanya”) aims to explain its evolution as an architecture and family over a century and a half, approximately mid-c. XIX at the end of the c. XX.

Conventus : Permanent exhibition dedicated to the medieval convents of Puigcerdà and Cloistered Convent of Puigcerdà (current Museu Cerdà).

Address: C. Higini de Rivera, 4

Town: Puigcerdà

Phone: 972 884 303



Opening hours:

De dimarts a dijous, de 10 a 14 h i de 17 a 20 h
Divendres i dissabte, de 10 a 13.30 h i de 17 a 20 h
Diumenge, de 10 a 13.30 h. Dilluns tancat


Adapted for disabled people