Route 8: Bellver – Mata Negra – Bellver

Continuous ascent from Bellver to the bottom of the Vall de l’Ingla, where the steep ascent begins to the Coll del Pendís, this first section matches with ” Camí dels Bons Homes”. From there, a quick descent to the river, by dirt track, paved track and diverse undulating track to Bellver.

Technical Data

Starting point: Sant Roc square (tourist office)

Distance: 30.5 km

Time: 3 h

Places of interest: Bellver, Talló, El Mirador, Riu, Pedra and Bor

Water points: Bellver, Talló, l’Ingla, Font freda, Els Cortals, Riu, Pedra and Bor

Cyclability: 100%

Difficulty: high

Map and altimetry

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